April 20, 2024
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Unlocking the Dynamics of Business: A Comprehensive Exploration
Marylebone Magic: Chic and Sophisticated Engagement Rings in London
Understanding the Current Global Political Landscape
A Comprehensive Guide to Wisely Buying Classic Used Motorcycles
Motorcycles And Other Stuff
Harmony of Emotions: The Profound Impact of Music on Our Moods
Rhythmic Elegance: Unveiling the Traditional Dance of Uganda
Reading: Unlocking the Doors of Knowledge & Imagination
Harmony in Diversity: The Intricate Dance Between Language and Culture
The Enduring Charm and Impact of Comedy Movies
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Unlocking the Dynamics of Business: A Comprehensive Exploration Marylebone Magic: Chic and Sophisticated Engagement Rings in London Understanding the Current Global Political Landscape A Comprehensive Guide to Wisely Buying Classic Used Motorcycles Motorcycles And Other Stuff Harmony of Emotions: The Profound Impact of Music on Our Moods Rhythmic Elegance: Unveiling the Traditional Dance of Uganda Reading: Unlocking the Doors of Knowledge & Imagination Harmony in Diversity: The Intricate Dance Between Language and Culture The Enduring Charm and Impact of Comedy Movies

Enam Belas Bulan


enam belas bulan
ku hanya bisa terpejam
menatap malam
menggapai angan
memimpikan datangnya bulan

melambaikan tangan
memalingkan pikiran

hujan deras membasahi tanah
bersorak se isi dunia
mengabarkan pesan-pesan
pesan dari hati terdalam
untuk kekasih yg tak kunjung datang
mata pun terpejam
muka menjadi muram
merindukan hati yang telah lama hilang
senja berganti malam
perpisahan merubah kenyataan

kisah rindu belum terhenti
hingga hari-hari pun ikut sedih
ku berdoa keada pemilik Negri
agar dapat bertemu kembali
denganya yang telah mengisi hati
walau hanya sebatas senja menerangi
dan ku yakin tak kan berganti
meski jarak dan waktu saling menutupi
memisahkan hati yang melamun sendiri

enambelas bulan ku lalui
sebuah perjalanan yang belum bertepi
membasuh puing-puing yang lama terpejam
membersihkan garis-garis kehidupan
melaksanakan kewajiban
mentaati perintah atasan

empat februari empat belas
ku berdiri ditepi batas
batas hati yang tak terbatas
tak bersekat dan tak dapat kandas
pertemuan anak sungai yang menyatu
ku tak bisa menutupi wajah syahdu
lembutnya hatiku
angin yang merdu
aliran air yang tak berbatu
langit yang biru
hingga hatiku pun tersipu malu
melihat kau mengalir dihadapanku
melihat ikan melewati jemariku
melihat kebesaran Tuhan yang mengatur segalanya
pertemuan kita setelah sekian lama
dan semoga engkau menjadi yang termulia
dan InsyaAllah kita telah digariskan untuk bertatap muka
diruang yang sama dan mungkin untuk selamanya

Rantau, Kalsel


sixteen months
I can only be closed
staring at night
reaching for a dream
dreaming of the coming months

wave hands
turning the mind away

heavy rain soaked the ground
cheer se contents of the world
preach the messages
message from the deepest heart
for a lover who never came
eyes closed
the face becomes grim
longing for the long lost heart
twilight changed the night
separation changed reality

the longing story has not stopped yet
until the days were sad too
I prayed to the owner of Negri
in order to meet again
with him who has filled the heart
even though it is only a night of light
and I’m sure it will not change
although the distance and time cover each other
separating a dreamy heart by itself

sixteen months I passed
an undeveloped journey
washing away the old ruined debris
cleaning the lines of life
carry out the obligations
obey the orders of superiors

four february fourteenth
I stood on edge
limit unlimited limits
not insulated and can not run aground
confluence of the tributary
I can not cover the face of syahdu
the softness of my heart
sweet wind
water flow is not rocky
blue sky
until my heart was blushed
see you flowing in front of me
saw the fish pass through my fingers
see the greatness of God governing everything
our meeting after so long
and may you be the noblest
and InshaAllah we have outlined to meet face to face
the same room and maybe forever

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