Crescent moon

Crescent moon

Crescent moon

Crescent moon
I hope to write
the most beautiful thing
between saprolites
or on the sidelines of limonite
dark night befriended

sparkling stars
did not make me go out
did not make me hopeless
Hang in there
and keep challenging

what has been accustomed
what has been cultivated
and this is what the story aspires to

red sandy soil
why should wet
do not mind the exca
this is just a natural whistle
do not easily quell
keep waiting for the rain
because of it the beginning of life

Marombo, sultra. 091013
Posted by Aru Jayawardhana at 8:31 PM Thursday, March 27, 2014
Labels: Poetry, Rhymes, Poetry


Bulan Sabit

bulan sabit
kuharap dapat menulis
hal indah yang terbesit
diantara saprolit
atau disela-sela limonit
dimalam gelap berteman sakit

cahaya bulan
gemerlap bintang
tak membuatku padam
tak membuatku putus harapan
tetap bertahan
dan tetap menantang

apa yang sudah dibiasakan
apa yang telah dibudayakan
dan ini kisah apa yang dicita-citakan

tanah berpasir merah
mengapa harus basah
tak usah hiraukan exca
ini hanya siulan alam
jangan mudah padam
teruslah menanti hujan
karena darinya awal kehidupan

Marombo, sultra. 091013
Posted by Aru Jayawardhana at 8:31 PM Thursday, March 27, 2014
Labels: Puisi, Sajak, Syair



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