April 27, 2024
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Unlocking the Dynamics of Business: A Comprehensive Exploration
Marylebone Magic: Chic and Sophisticated Engagement Rings in London
Understanding the Current Global Political Landscape
A Comprehensive Guide to Wisely Buying Classic Used Motorcycles
Motorcycles And Other Stuff
Harmony of Emotions: The Profound Impact of Music on Our Moods
Rhythmic Elegance: Unveiling the Traditional Dance of Uganda
Reading: Unlocking the Doors of Knowledge & Imagination
Harmony in Diversity: The Intricate Dance Between Language and Culture
The Enduring Charm and Impact of Comedy Movies
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Unlocking the Dynamics of Business: A Comprehensive Exploration Marylebone Magic: Chic and Sophisticated Engagement Rings in London Understanding the Current Global Political Landscape A Comprehensive Guide to Wisely Buying Classic Used Motorcycles Motorcycles And Other Stuff Harmony of Emotions: The Profound Impact of Music on Our Moods Rhythmic Elegance: Unveiling the Traditional Dance of Uganda Reading: Unlocking the Doors of Knowledge & Imagination Harmony in Diversity: The Intricate Dance Between Language and Culture The Enduring Charm and Impact of Comedy Movies

Crescent moon

Crescent moon

Crescent moon
I hope to write
the most beautiful thing
between saprolites
or on the sidelines of limonite
dark night befriended

sparkling stars
did not make me go out
did not make me hopeless
Hang in there
and keep challenging

what has been accustomed
what has been cultivated
and this is what the story aspires to

red sandy soil
why should wet
do not mind the exca
this is just a natural whistle
do not easily quell
keep waiting for the rain
because of it the beginning of life

Marombo, sultra. 091013
Posted by Aru Jayawardhana at 8:31 PM Thursday, March 27, 2014
Labels: Poetry, Rhymes, Poetry


Bulan Sabit

bulan sabit
kuharap dapat menulis
hal indah yang terbesit
diantara saprolit
atau disela-sela limonit
dimalam gelap berteman sakit

cahaya bulan
gemerlap bintang
tak membuatku padam
tak membuatku putus harapan
tetap bertahan
dan tetap menantang

apa yang sudah … Read more


Adventure Holidays, Activity Holidays, Adventure Travel & Tours

Everyone has their own concept of what makes the perfect getaway, so uncover your very personal ‘vacation perfect’.

However we will not guarantee that they comply with accessibility standards, and subsequently some users could find the positioning troublesome to make use of. While the apps will not have the bells and whistles of a conventional sat-nav, they will do the job for occasional use and get you from A to B. It’ll give you the option to pick out a ‘local’ or ‘house’, or a ‘custom area’. ‘Local’ or ‘residence’ selects an area surrounding where your search is ? ‘custom’ lets you specify an space. Thank you for contacting us. One of our holiday consultants can be with you shortly to handle your enquiry. We’re part of TUI Group – one of the world’s leading travel firms. And all of our holidays are designed that will help you Discover Your … Read more


Masa SD (Sekolah Dasar)


Pertama kali masuk SD sekitar tahun 1991, aku bersekolah di SD Wahid Hasyim yang masih satu tempat dan satu kawasan dengan TK dan SMP Wahid Hasyim. Di sekolah ini banyak sekali pengalaman-pengalaman berharga yang aku dapatkan sampai aku dewasa saat ini, diantaranya:

Tes Masuk

Masih teringat jelas pertama kali aku masuk di sekolah ini aku dites, dengan tes berdoa, membaca dan menulis. Semua itu ku lalui dengan lancar walaupun waktu itu sempat gugup tapi akhirnya aku lulus dan dapat bersekolah disini.

Kelas 1

Yang masih teringat dipikiranku sampai sekarang, saat kelas satu disekolah ini seluruh muridnya diajarkan Sholat setiap harinya. Setiap hari sebelum dimulai pelajaran dua orang murid kadang laki-laki dan kadang perempuan maju kedepan, naik di meja yang telah disediakan dan memperagakan gerakan Sholat beserta doanya dipandu oleh guru (namanya lupa), saat itu semua yang ada dikelas menirukan bacaan dan memperhatikan gerakan Sholatnya dari awal sampai akhir. Hal … Read more


Jarwo #1

https://infoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/azzuralhi.wordpress-pendidikan-1.jpgRoda kereta kencana

Berkata-kata tentang dunia cinta

Dahaga sebagai anak kedua

Entah apa yang ada dipikiranya

Sabar dan sabar

Tidak dipagar

bukankah tak terbayar

Apa yang ternyata vulgar



Sudah satu masa

Kawan lama tak bercerita

Kisah perjaka

Atau kisah-kisah duda perkasa

dan Semua tau

Apa itu kangguru

loncat kesana denganmu

hingga loncat kesini

Bertemu dengannya

dalam sebuah kisah dan cerita


By: jarwo



The chariot wheel

Speaks about the world of love

Think as a second child

I do not know what’s on his mind

Be patient and patient

Not fenced

does not pay off

What turned out to be vulgar



It’s been a time

My old friend did not tell me

The story of a virgin

Or tales of mighty widowers

and All know

What is a kangaroo

jump there with you

until the jump

Meet him

in a story and story

 … Read more


Masa Taman Kanak-kanak #5


Masa ini benar-benar masih teringat jelas di ingatanku, ketika masih TK di Wahid Hasyim kelas enol kecil. Sebenarnya kejadian ini ku tuliskan hanya untuk melatih ingatanku supaya tidak malas mengingat kejadian masa lalu dan tidak malas menulis, karena semenjak kerja di Eksplorasi Pengeboran Batu-bara, aku jarang sekali menulis sesuatu yang bermanfaat dan bisa melatih daya ingat. Banyak kejadian menarik disaat aku masih TK, akan aku ceritakan seingat pikiranku.

Celana sobek

Kejadian ini bermula saat rekreasi di kawasan Selecta Batu, teman-teman waktu itu sangat menikmati dan sangat asik bermain dilokasi permainan, aku memilih papan luncur atau prosota, karena terlihat sepi dan tidak perlu antri dan menunggu lama untuk bermain. Saat itu prosotan pertama ku lakukan dengan lancar bersama teman-teman, hingga prosotan kedua juga lancar, tiba saat prosotan ke tiga tiba-tiba terdengar “srek”, saat kupriksa ternyata seragam celana pendeku yang kukenakan sobek dibagian belakang sekitar lima senti, sontak saja kupegangi bagian yang … Read more


What Is An Old School Car, Anyway?

Old School CarAre you in search of an independent instructor or National Driving School ? There are execs and cons either way.

Thank you for the concepts! My fellow graduates and I plan on doing many of these throughout the year. Many nice ideas! A couple of years in the past seniors from our school did the pig factor and one of many pigs died nice for a lua not for varsity. My favourite from my highschool was when a class actually built a ten’ high wall across the access road to the college. They built the cinder block wall overnight, so the following day individuals couldn’t drive up to the principle doors of the school. Ask a freshman or two that will help you with senior prank, than duct tape them to the pillars outside your faculty. I took mud and coated all of the vehicles with mud. And I spray … Read more