What Is An Old School Car, Anyway?

Old School CarAre you in search of an independent instructor or National Driving School ? There are execs and cons either way.

Thank you for the concepts! My fellow graduates and I plan on doing many of these throughout the year. Many nice ideas! A couple of years in the past seniors from our school did the pig factor and one of many pigs died nice for a lua not for varsity. My favourite from my highschool was when a class actually built a ten’ high wall across the access road to the college. They built the cinder block wall overnight, so the following day individuals couldn’t drive up to the principle doors of the school. Ask a freshman or two that will help you with senior prank, than duct tape them to the pillars outside your faculty. I took mud and coated all of the vehicles with mud. And I spray … Read more



The leaves are verdant
Gives you freshness
To the eye that looked
Swung up and down
The wind
Illuminated morning sun
Interrupted twigs and roots
After the rain last night

Spread the quiet wavy beach
Dreaming in every corner
Between the sky and the sea
And it seems to be drifting
What comes across the daydream
And what comes to mind

Sea shelf
Lush forest misty
Spoil everything that goes
Through the bend
Mourn the ramp
and precedes the descendants
Long journey
Down the fishing villages
Visit the merchant villages
and sometimes stop at the farm
Indonesian people like smile
and children of adventurous nations
To simply enjoy the ocean
or just enjoy the mountains
Bounded trans-Sulawesi roads

Dampala-Morowali, 091213
Posted by Aru Jayawardhana at 9:15 PM Sunday, December 13, 2015
Labels: Rhymes



Dedaunan yang menghijau
Memberikan kesegaran
Bagi mata yang memandang
Mengayun naik turun
Tertiup … Read more

Untuk, aku seorang binatang jalang

For, I’m a bitch
For you, I’m a bitch
A periphery poet
Life in rebellion
In the days before and after independence
Together with young men with God
Ready to die for justice
Ready died for a victory
Ready die for a glory

Thousands of resistance
Millions with thought
Millions with a machete
Millions with blood sacrifices
Millions with irreplaceable lives

I’m a bitch
Longest alone in the bed rest
Live a thousand years in peace
Leaving a thousand words of struggle
And not obsolete by leadership

Where there is oppression
That’s where your words incite rebellion
Where there is injustice
That’s where your writing is read
To simply ignite the struggle
For a mere forgotten soul burner
From the thirsty youth of learning
And of the generation who forgot about blood and sanctity
Because you’re a bitch
Your verses will not go out on the tombstone
Your poems … Read more

Why Businesses Should Consider Commercial Space

BusinessWith little doubt, correct planning is your step number one. Take your time and suppose by every part rigorously. Set focus objectives for 2017 for your business and solely after proper planning start making small steps to success. Yet keep in mind that you’re a newbie within the ocean of business sharks who can be concerned about consuming your small begin-up right at first to keep away from competition. If you need to be protected from attacks, then cooperation with knowledgeable business lawyer is your only option. This professional will know easy methods to work in order that neither government nor the opponents can destroy your business, methods to plan the finances so that you don’t lose on courts and any authorized issues. While the rates is perhaps somewhat high for you, do not forget that this is an funding in your future.

It’s attention-grabbing to notice that the current … Read more

in the name of the Society – atas nama Rakyat

in the name of the Public

Right and left
What a meaning
What a country
When crazy or sick
When independent or narrow

Local thugs
Sometimes smart sometimes stunned
Stunned with stupidity
And a fool with wickedness
Arrogant with regionalism
Stupid with politeness

Thugs are not thugs if they are polite
Officials are not officials if depraved
On behalf of the people
On behalf of the poor
The families themselves are heavy
Heavy treasure and world
From the sale of the name
On behalf of the people and the poor
And forbidden to piss here except Dogs

Morowali-Sulteng, 161213
Posted by Aru Jayawardhana at 5:08 AM Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Labels: Poetry, Rhymes, Poetry


atas nama Rakyat

Kanan dan kiri
Apalah sebuah arti
Apalah sebuah negri
Saat gila atau sakit
Saat merdeka ataupun sempit

Preman-preman lokal
Kadang cerdas kadang bengal
Bengal dengan ketololan
Dan tolol dengan kefasikan
Sombong dengan … Read more