All posts by H312ud1

Lamp of Death

This darkness arrived without any interest
Comes at 300,000 km / sec
Close your eyes and fingers are tapering
In a meaning wrapped in a beautiful story

The air in the cramped space is adorned
Forced to stop a wish
Closing and shackling the mind
For a while on another occasion
Wet the sweat and upset in every journey

Will the hands, eyes, mind be silent here
After the body is not protected the heavenly winds
Anesthetized the sting of the sunlight
Accompanied by great hearted dances
The beauty of the lights keeps on dying
Here. . .
In a narrow space of footwear and PC

TSA-Jkt, Tuesday, 12: 51-170309
Posted by Aru Jayawardhana at 12:40 AM Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Labels: Poetry, Rhymes


Lamp of Death

Kegelapan ini tiba tanpa ada yang menarik
Datang dengan kecepatan 300.000 km/detik
Memejamkan mata dan jari jemari yang lentik
Dalam sebuah makna … Read more

Camping The Easy Way With These Tips

Image result for Camping The Easy Way

Get ready for many exciting adventures and stories to tell after today. With all that you are about to learn about camping you are going to be anxious until the end of your trip. Go through the following tips this article has to offer to see what you can learn about camping.

Keep an eye on the weather. Rain or other conditions may impact your travel time and your experience at the campsite. Make sure that you have gear that is appropriate for the weather conditions that you may face. Adjust your departure time as necessary to try and avoid the bulk of the bad weather, if possible.

While a campfire gives off enough light in the general area around it, you want to be sure you take along a flashlight on your camping trip if you plan to venture outside of the campfire’s glow. This is a definite safety … Read more

Kurt #2

Yek. . . ! ! !
The last call to a friend
When walking around ignore
The view is straight toward certainty
Did not hear the shouting
Alone leave the reality
Towards one truth
And all back to HIM

Here. . . the reality of bitter life
When I started my own
No lover to accompany
When I stood alone
Many people hate
When I reflect
The world seems to be dead
And all this seems meaningless
Because I understand the true friend

I remembered. . .
All vomit uncertainty
Spread the poetic noise
I threw away all the anger
I erased all the sadness
Grudge all despair
I burned all the disappointments
And I destroyed all the pride of the world
Only with you
Friends, Friend, My True Companion

Now. . .
In the afternoon, March 26, 2007
After that last call
I turned the noise away from him… Read more