All posts by H312ud1

Tips To Cure Acne Problems

Check out this article if you find yourself dealing with frequent acne and breakouts. It is a common affliction in both young people and adults.

The most important thing you should think about is the foods that you are eating. When you eat a lot of junk food and other unhealthy meals, it damages your immune system and makes it harder for your body to resist infection. Trade sugary foods for something healthier, like fruits and vegetables. Doing this will ensure that you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need.

You must keep hydrated all the time for proper health. One thing to avoid are sodas since they contain caffeine and sugar which do not help you stay hydrated. Make certain that you drink a lot of water. In the event that you really do not like drinking water, try a natural fruit juice that does not contain … Read more

No Lip’s Child (Rock and Roll Band From Malang City)

The band was originally a side project, due to the rift from Vitamin-Punkrock in early 1997 & each personnel still had an active band. Taking the band name from a song of their influence band, The Sex Pistol’s- (Do not ‘Give Me) No Lip Child.

For their line-up, there are Komo-vocals, John-guitar, Gandhi-drums & Dadang-bass. After several No Lip’s Child events, Dadang resigned to study & was replaced by Widi aka Thithit (ex-drum “DEC”). No Lip’s Child is getting naughty on stage, so they can meet friends outside Malang just for sing a long and …

In 1999, Thithit left No Lip’s Child to develop the Crustpunk band “Muntah”. No Lip’s Child must spin the brain, to fill the vacancy in bass position. Finally Andi aka Daimo (guitar-Vitamin) was willing to join No Lip’s Child & the line-up changed Komo-vocal, Gandhi-drum, John-bass & Andi-guitar to No Lip’s Child in … Read more

How To Spend Your Money Wisely


Finances are something that every grownup will have to face. Though it may be hard to deal with reality, it is an important step to taking control of your life. This article is designed to provide you with the information you need to get your financial situation under control.

Be sure you know what you are going to be spending before you build a budget. You will also need to have a good idea of how much money your household is making. No matter what you spend your money on, you must keep track of it. You should never spend more than you have.

Make an itemized list of your expenses for a clear look at your financial picture. Be sure to include non-monthly costs also, such as those paid yearly. This includes things like car insurance, home maintenance and annual taxes. You should enumerate your food costs, entertainment and … Read more

Advanced, Time-Tested Techniques for Affiliate Marketing


Once you are part of a affiliate marketing program, it is important to create campaigns for potential buyers to see. This article introduces highly effective Internet marketing techniques that will help you boost your traffic and your revenue.

Without a solid email marketing program, you aren’t making the most of your business venture. When your customers order a product from your website, you should obtain their email addresses, and write them an email. This email should not only let them know you appreciate their purchases, but it should also ask them to consider writing a review of the product they purchased. Next, send them information on other products that you have to offer. Make the advertisement for something that is related to the products they have already purchased. E-mail is also a great way to communicate with customers. It is an efficient way to answer questions and address any concerns. … Read more

Tips And Advice On How To Successfully Learn Guitar

Are you someone that wants to play music? Do you just wish you knew how to play songs that other people wrote for guitar playing? If either of these things are the case, you should read through this article. Here you’ll get some tips on what you can do when you need to learn guitar.

Listen to music. One of the best ways to learn anything is to watch a professional at work. Listen to music and really try to single out the guitar playing. Determine how they’re playing and pay close attention to their technique. You can learn a lot just from listening and watching others play.

Try not to spend too much money when you’re just starting out.

It can be alarmingly easy to overspend on a guitar and all sorts of gear you don’t really need as a beginner. Find an affordable guitar to start with. Try … Read more