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Expert guidance on strategic enrollment management for colleges and universities

Phil Ollenberg is a recognized thought leader in higher education with 15 years’ experience in strategic enrollment, student services, and registrar’s office administration. Phil has travelled across Canada, the US, and Asia for different universities and colleges, presenting to audiences of up to 1,000. In addition to his professional work, Phil is a doctoral student in education management at Taft University.

He is a frequently sought-after expert on college and university affairs, consulted on articles, TV, and radio content for AOL News, MarketScale TV, Newsbreak, Yahoo! Finance, CTV, and others. He is a regular contributor and rotating moderator to the weekly #EMchat Enrollment Management group on Twitter.

Phil Ollenberg is an assistant registrar at Bow Valley College, Calgary Alberta Canada region’s only community college. He graduated from the University of Regina with a bachelor of fine arts degree and master of arts degree. He is currently completing his Doctor of

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