
space (angkasa raya)


Friends. . .
When the world no longer laughs and becomes hell
Do not think of this as grief
Because the sun still looks bright
Pursue and do not be a loser
Although the road is getting bleak and unruly
Step forward with the spirit of the struggle
Although the tears of blood has stalled
There is still one life in one body ready to die
Dying to fight for our lost world
Deprived by oppressors who claim to be fighters

Comrade. . .
Hear the wind and the sun
Did they ever say tired of trying to blow and shine?
Illuminates the beauty of our lives that must be fought for
Crawling, standing, walking and running for a victory
In a world that is no longer in balance
Among the glorified oppressors and the smaller ones disappear
As if the world were created for the rioters of justice


PADAM (kurt #3)

“OFF” (kurt # 3)

One-third full
I woke up in the first third of the night
And I heard the strains from Metallica
Stops the voice of death and suffering
Sung the world’s black red verses
Reminds me of old friends
Companions between wounds and sorrow
Friends while the embers are on fire
Comrade when red is smoldering

I could stand silent in a quiet corner
Among the images and notes that have not died
Looking at memories that never come back
In my long daydream stand alone
And you are not a fairy or a lover
I will not remember you in every dream
While asleep not covered with legs
Until the eyes open and do not come back

Why do not you walk anymore
Stopping the pace of life
Leaving me alone in the struggle
I do not know when I miss
Shouts – shouts in dreams that


pen (pena)


For pen’s sake
And for the sake of black ink
And a piece of paper that faithfully accompanied him
This meaningless word does not last long
Because his words came out of a venomous tongue
Unexpected and unnoticed
Ends faded, goes out and is gone extinct

Read each written reading
Study each painted passage
This reading was not created mystically
Because this reading is realistic
Not a romantic reading
And not a reading for those who are atheists

These words are eternal
When a pen is dancing
In the ink droplets that always pursue
On paper lying alone
A combination of black and white
Eternal, until all die

If the pen and ink are not created
What is the meaning of a life
Until words can not be written
And writing can not be described
Lost with wind and solitude
Dark like a night without star and moon rays

Bahasa, Music

No Lip’s Child (Rock and Roll Band From Malang City)

The band was originally a side project, due to the rift from Vitamin-Punkrock in early 1997 & each personnel still had an active band. Taking the band name from a song of their influence band, The Sex Pistol’s- (Do not ‘Give Me) No Lip Child.

For their line-up, there are Komo-vocals, John-guitar, Gandhi-drums & Dadang-bass. After several No Lip’s Child events, Dadang resigned to study & was replaced by Widi aka Thithit (ex-drum “DEC”). No Lip’s Child is getting naughty on stage, so they can meet friends outside Malang just for sing a long and …

In 1999, Thithit left No Lip’s Child to develop the Crustpunk band “Muntah”. No Lip’s Child must spin the brain, to fill the vacancy in bass position. Finally Andi aka Daimo (guitar-Vitamin) was willing to join No Lip’s Child & the line-up changed Komo-vocal, Gandhi-drum, John-bass & Andi-guitar to No Lip’s Child in …


Lamp of Death

This darkness arrived without any interest
Comes at 300,000 km / sec
Close your eyes and fingers are tapering
In a meaning wrapped in a beautiful story

The air in the cramped space is adorned
Forced to stop a wish
Closing and shackling the mind
For a while on another occasion
Wet the sweat and upset in every journey

Will the hands, eyes, mind be silent here
After the body is not protected the heavenly winds
Anesthetized the sting of the sunlight
Accompanied by great hearted dances
The beauty of the lights keeps on dying
Here. . .
In a narrow space of footwear and PC

TSA-Jkt, Tuesday, 12: 51-170309
Posted by Aru Jayawardhana at 12:40 AM Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Labels: Poetry, Rhymes


Lamp of Death

Kegelapan ini tiba tanpa ada yang menarik
Datang dengan kecepatan 300.000 km/detik
Memejamkan mata dan jari jemari yang lentik
Dalam sebuah makna …

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