The band was originally a side project, due to the rift from Vitamin-Punkrock in early 1997 & each personnel still had an active band. Taking the band name from a song of their influence band, The Sex Pistol’s- (Do not ‘Give Me) No Lip Child.
For their line-up, there are Komo-vocals, John-guitar, Gandhi-drums & Dadang-bass. After several No Lip’s Child events, Dadang resigned to study & was replaced by Widi aka Thithit (ex-drum “DEC”). No Lip’s Child is getting naughty on stage, so they can meet friends outside Malang just for sing a long and …
In 1999, Thithit left No Lip’s Child to develop the Crustpunk band “Muntah”. No Lip’s Child must spin the brain, to fill the vacancy in bass position. Finally Andi aka Daimo (guitar-Vitamin) was willing to join No Lip’s Child & the line-up changed Komo-vocal, Gandhi-drum, John-bass & Andi-guitar to No Lip’s Child in late 2000 into the recording kitchen for their full album on a recording studio in Natural-Surabaya.
After completing the album “We Come With The Rock ‘N Roll” -2001 / Rekod Ndeso, No Lip’s Child increasingly blind & wilder. The more stage they feel ..
Until 2007, the Punk Not Dead-Partner 2 Street Crew event was their last stage with Daimo. Because John prefers to watch Napalm Death-USA Grind in Jakarta, finally the bass position filled by Gandhi & drum submitted additional player. Their game is like a band that is not professional, the committee feel harmed & friends who come also feel disappointed.
But on Punk’s 1st Rocker Left Reunion, No Lip’s Child is showing off again with Andi’s minus on the guitar. In the event, John-guitar, Gandhi-drum, Komo-vocal & assisted Hendra aka Pyox-guitar and Bima aka Kobo-bass. Until a lot of requests from friends to No Lip’s Child to exist & re-enliven the local Underground music events and out of town.
To fill the slump No Lip’s Child, each personnel still has their own side project. John was active with Fatal Morality-Crustgrind, The Prussian Gestapoe-Crustpunk and his last band is Hellsoil-Grindcore. Andi has been active in Bamboong-Indie & is still active in Troppical Forest-Reggae. Gandhi has been active with Blankbonthenk-Grindcore; The Prussian Gestapoe-Crustpunk & now he is active alongside Correction-Grindcore. For Komo, he was not active in music / bands after No Lip’s Child & chose to seriously work.
In 2013, No Lip’s Child plans to re-present in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the Underground scene. But still unclear & uncertain, when No Lip’s Child will actually be present with you.. Wait ‘n See
Band ini awalnya adalah sebuah side project, karena keretakan dari Vitamin-Punkrock di awal tahun 1997& masing-masing personil masih punya band yang aktif. Mengambil nama band dari sebuah judul lagu band influence mereka, yaitu The Sex Pistol’s-(Don’t’ Give Me) No Lip Child.
Untuk line-up mereka, ada Komo-vokal, John-gitar, Gandhi-drum& Dadang-bass. Setelah beberapa event No Lip’s Child lalui, Dadang mengundurkan diri untuk study& digantikan Widi aka Thithit (ex-drum “DEC”). No Lip’s Child mulai nakal dibanyak panggung, hingga mereka bisa temui teman-teman diluar kota Malang hanya untuk sekedar sing a long atau juga berbagi alkohol.
Di tahun 1999, Thithit hengkang dari No Lip’s Child untuk mengembangkan band Crustpunk “MUNTAH”. No Lip’s Child harus putar otak, untuk mengisi kekosongan diposisi bass. Akhirnya Andi aka Daimo (gitar-Vitamin) bersedia untuk bergabung dengan No Lip’s Child& line-up berubah Komo-vokal, Gandhi-drum, John-bass& Andi-gitar hingga No Lip’s Child di akhir 2000 masuk dapur rekaman untuk full album mereka di sebuah studio rekaman di Natural-Surabaya.
Setelah menyelesaikan album “We Come With The Rock ‘N Roll”-2001/Rekod Ndeso, No Lip’s Child kian membabi buta& semakin liar. Semakin banyak panggung-panggung yang mereka rasakan..
Hingga pada tahun 2007, di acara Punk Not Dead-Mitra 2 Street Crew adalah panggung terakhir mereka bersama Daimo. Dikarenakan John lebih memilih menonton Napalm Death-USA Grind di Jakarta, akhirnya posisi bass diisi oleh Gandhi& drum diserahkan additional player. Permainan mereka layaknya band yang tidak professional, panitia merasa dirugikan& teman-teman yang datang juga merasa kecewa.
Tapi di acara Reuni Akbar Punk Seri 1-Rocker Sayap Kiri, No Lip’s Child kembali unjuk gigi dengan minus Andi pada gitar. Di event tersebut, John-gitar, Gandhi-drum, Komo-vokal& dibantu Hendra aka Pyox-gitar serta Bima aka Kobo-bass. Hingga banyak sekali permintaan dari teman-teman kepada No Lip’s Child untuk eksis& kembali meramaikan event-event musik Underground lokal maupun luar kota.
Untuk megisi keterpurukan No Lip’s Child, masing-masing personil masih mempunyai side project sendiri-sendiri. John pernah aktif bersama Fatal Morality-Crustgrind;The Prussian Gestapoe-Crustpunk& band terakhir dia saat ini adalah Hellsoil-Grindcore. Andi pernah aktif di Bamboong-Indie&hingga kini masih aktif di Troppical Forest-Reggae. Gandhi pernah aktif bersama Blankbonthenk-Grindcore;The Prussian Gestapoe-Crustpunk& kini dia aktif bersama Koreksi-Grindcore. Untuk Komo, dia tidak aktif dalam hal music/band selepas dari No Lip’s Child& memilih untuk serius bekerja.
Di tahun 2013 ini, No Lip’s Child berencana kembali hadir di tengah-tengah hiruk pikuk scene Underground. Tapi masih belum jelas& belum pasti, kapan No Lip’s Child akan benar-benar hadir bersama Anda.. Wait ‘n See Punkrocker’s!! See Less