Why now is the best time to book holiday air travel

Don’t be fooled by temporary drops in airline tickets, an expert told FOX Weather, prices are heading back up and airlines are chopping flights for the fall and holiday. The time to buy holiday air tickets on a budget is the next several weeks.

“After the chaos of the summer, I’m really happy to say that prices are already coming down. Now, normally, they’ve dropped 10 to 15%, [through] the end of August and September anyway. But this year, we’re actually looking at prices already coming down 25% and availability should be really good,” commercial pilot and FlightAware spokesperson, Kathleen Bangs told FOX Weather. “Meaning if you want to buy a ticket in August and September for later this year, there’s plenty of seats open at really good fares.”

Bangs noted that prices have already fallen and historically continue to fall as kids head back to school. This year, most

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Traveling with pets for the first time? Here’s what you need to know.

More than 23 million American households – almost 1 in 5 nationwide – adopted a pet during the pandemic. And now, many of those Americans will try to take their first vacation with a cat, dog, or bird.

Are you ready?

Traveling with pets is one of the most controversial topics I’ve ever covered. From fake emotional support animals to annoying owners, the fur always flies when I write about animals and travel.

But it’s a fair question: What happens when you try to take all those pandemic pets on vacation with you? Should you even bother? And if you do, what should you know?

Taking a road trip with your fur children?  Make sure you bring documentation of their vaccination history and other health information.  You can ask your veterinarian to email you PDFs that you can store on your phone.

“Travel with pets has become more difficult after the pandemic,” says Josh Snead, CEO of Rainwalk Pet Insurance.

Are you traveling with dogs or cats this summer? Download these helpful apps

There’s a long list of pet travel challenges, including new fees and

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The Best Time To Book Your Holiday Flights This Year

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Thanksgiving and Christmas are some of the most popular times for flights, and travelers who make their plans early have historically been the ones getting the best deals. According to CheapAir’s 2022 Holiday Cheap Flights Report, the extra-early birds will get the worm this year when it comes to holiday flight fares. Fares are currently up more than anticipated, and the upward trend isn’t likely to stop. Travelers are advised to make their holiday airfare purchases as soon as they have plans in place to ensure they get the best price possible.

Traveler looking at flight board with santa holiday hat on

Holiday Fare Prices

Travelers who flew during the holidays in 2021 were probably pleasantly surprised by the prices they encountered. Due to the pandemic, travel demand was not very high, and fuel prices were lower. However, this year is a whole different story. CheapAir’s report shows that prices are

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Tips for Booking Your 2022 Holiday Season Flights

If this summer’s soaring airfare prices have taught travelers anything, it should be the wisdom of booking your flights well ahead of time.

With airlines caught ill-prepared to accommodate the number of travelers who want to fly right now, demand still outpaces supply. This, combined with the record-high cost of fuel, pushed airfare pricing sky-high pretty rapidly in 2022.


And, those higher rates aren’t coming down anytime soon, it seems. According to Cheapair.com’s 2022 Holiday Flight ReportThanksgiving airfares are trending 25 percent higher than last year, while Christmas and New Year’s flights are up 28 percent over 2021.

Trending Now

While we’re still in the throes of the bustling summer travel season, it’s time to start thinking about your autumn and winter plans, and snagging the flights you’ll need when the busy holiday season rolls around.

That’s because booking months in advance will yield the best prices and

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Lower airfares will be available to book in August

Relief is on the horizon for air travelers in the US

New data from Hopper, the online booking platform, suggests airfares should decrease from this summer’s record-high prices, averaging less than $300 round-trip for domestic itineraries booked this month.

“Domestic airfare this fall will drop to $286 this August, down 25% compared to the airfare peak in May of this year, in line with 2019 prices,” the firm said in its third-quarter travel index. “Airfare will remain at or below $300 through late September, before beginning to rise slowly in October and November.”

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Hayley Berg, Hopper’s lead economist and author of the report, explained that the numbers are based on the booking date and mostly reflect what passengers can

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