Archives 2018

Bidadari Kecil #1

Kau bukanlah mawar merah yang berduri

Kau juga bukan putihnya melati

Tapi keharumanmu tak ‘kan hilang disini

Bersama bunga dan tiap angin surgawi

Diindahnya taman kehidupan duniawi

Tak ‘kan pernah lelah ‘tuk slalu menanti

Senyum manismu yang slalu dihati

Wahai bidadari kecilku yang slalu sendiri


Jika malam, bulan dan bintang datang menyapamu

Jangan takut dan ragu akan kedatanganya setiap waktu

Karena hadirnya bersama bunga-bunga mimpi dan cintaku

Tutuplah mata dan jangan teteskan air mata rindu

Panjatkan syukur dan doa atas semua karunia itu

Mimpi indah dan tersenyumlah bahagia dalam kalbu

Karena Tuhan dan malaikatNya slalu menjagamu

Bidadari kecil yang terlelap dalam tidur bertutup kelambu



Wahai bidadari kecilku yang slalu terlelap sendiri disana

Cepatlah besar dan dewasa

Seiring bertambahnya usia

Jadilah bidadari yang berbakti pada orang tua

Jadilah bidadari yang taat pada Agama

Jadilah bidadari yang berjuang untuk bangsa dan Negara

Jadilah bidadari yang hidup penuh dengan ketulusan … Read more

Electric Football Lives Here!

FootballThe Golden Age of Wrestling before The Hulk and WWE included a Mohawk War Chief who moved to my hometown to compete on native TV wrestling reveals. We will always remember him.

I played youth football, high school, and college and sustained many accidents. I nonetheless reside with just a few today, BUT I would by no means cheat my boys out of the teachings and enjoyable I had taking part in. I attribute my work ethic, showing up on daily basis on time, graduating college and my toughness to football. I also became more assured, social, and perserverent. Plus my best recollections came on the field. There is NOTHING better than knocking any individual down and seeing the snot function down there lip. If I might play right now instead of ANYTHING else, I would. The only factor football didn’t help with is my spelling, sorry for that.

You … Read more

Road Trip For PlayStation 2

Trip AdventureSince 1986, The Adventure Trip Program (ATP) has been an avenue that the Outdoor Recreation Program has used to introduce the Texas State community to the advantages of Outdoor Adventure Education. The ATP provides trips and workshops starting from in the future to weeklong extended journeys. People can choose from a wide variety of trips, reminiscent of mountaineering, kayaking, canoeing, and backpacking. The ATP additionally affords a Specialized Trip Program, which gives a group the opportunity to customise an adventure trip to satisfy its specific wants.

Gear up for Halloween with a paddle by means of the Ghost Fleet of Mallows Bay. You’ll paddle beneath cliffs along the Potomac River and discover the ancient relics of the biggest shipwreck fleet within the Western Hemisphere. The ghost fleet” consists of approximately a hundred sunken wood steam ships, and you will have the opportunity to paddle around what’s left of the sunken … Read more

Manfaat dan Keuntungan Menggunakan Jasa Ekspedisi Pengiriman Kendaraan

Banyak orang lebih memilih menggunakan mobil mereka sendiri untuk pindah rumah atau penjualan mobil ke kota lain yang lebih jauh, hal ini sangat merepotkan dapat membuang-buang waktu dan biaya yang tidak sedikit atau pengeluaran besar. Jika anda seorang pekerja atau pengusaha yang sangat menghargai waktu dan uang, mengirim mobil yang dilakukan sendiri adalah hal yang kurang tepat, padahal jika hal ini diserahkan kepada jasa pengiriman kendaraan khususnya mobil atau motor maka akan menghemat waktu dan biaya, berikut ini keuntungan menggunakan jasa pengiriman kendaraan yang wajib anda ketahui:

Pengiriman mobil antar kota menghemat pengeluaran dan waktu

Ketika anda pindah rumah atau menjual mobil andah kepada seseorang yang tinggal jauh di kota lain baik itu didalam propinsi, antar propinsi lebih-lebih antar pulau, hal yang harus anda lakukan pertama kali adalah pastikan pengiriman mobil aman dan selamat sampai tujuan. Jangan sampai anda mengirim kendaraan sendiri, karena hal ini membuang-buang biaya dan waktu anda … Read more

Benefits If Physical and Spiritual Our Bodies Health

For everyone healthy living is an important thing to be grateful for, if we are sick as rich and as successful as anything will never be able to enjoy it. And be happy when people are given health and life better, especially if his life is used to worship and be grateful for the joy of life. Not infrequently someone crave a healthy body by consulting with a doctor, about how to run a healthy life is good and right. In addition to being a lifestyle this millenia era, healthy living provides many benefits. Here are the benefits of healthy living:

Sleep Quality

Sleep quality is sleep soundly that does not require much time but make body fit when waking up. Sleeping quality will make the body feel fresh, healthy and powerful to undergo daily activities.

Positive thinking

When the body is healthy and not sick we can think positively … Read more