The leaves are verdant
Gives you freshness
To the eye that looked
Swung up and down
The wind
Illuminated morning sun
Interrupted twigs and roots
After the rain last night
Spread the quiet wavy beach
Dreaming in every corner
Between the sky and the sea
And it seems to be drifting
What comes across the daydream
And what comes to mind
Sea shelf
Lush forest misty
Spoil everything that goes
Through the bend
Mourn the ramp
and precedes the descendants
Long journey
Down the fishing villages
Visit the merchant villages
and sometimes stop at the farm
Indonesian people like smile
and children of adventurous nations
To simply enjoy the ocean
or just enjoy the mountains
Bounded trans-Sulawesi roads
Dampala-Morowali, 091213
Posted by Aru Jayawardhana at 9:15 PM Sunday, December 13, 2015
Labels: Rhymes
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