April 20, 2024
11 11 11 AM
Unlocking the Dynamics of Business: A Comprehensive Exploration
Marylebone Magic: Chic and Sophisticated Engagement Rings in London
Understanding the Current Global Political Landscape
A Comprehensive Guide to Wisely Buying Classic Used Motorcycles
Motorcycles And Other Stuff
Harmony of Emotions: The Profound Impact of Music on Our Moods
Rhythmic Elegance: Unveiling the Traditional Dance of Uganda
Reading: Unlocking the Doors of Knowledge & Imagination
Harmony in Diversity: The Intricate Dance Between Language and Culture
The Enduring Charm and Impact of Comedy Movies
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Unlocking the Dynamics of Business: A Comprehensive Exploration Marylebone Magic: Chic and Sophisticated Engagement Rings in London Understanding the Current Global Political Landscape A Comprehensive Guide to Wisely Buying Classic Used Motorcycles Motorcycles And Other Stuff Harmony of Emotions: The Profound Impact of Music on Our Moods Rhythmic Elegance: Unveiling the Traditional Dance of Uganda Reading: Unlocking the Doors of Knowledge & Imagination Harmony in Diversity: The Intricate Dance Between Language and Culture The Enduring Charm and Impact of Comedy Movies


https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dJjcWaTZqJU/V9UqiApzzpI/AAAAAAAAASU/xpfmsgfJe_sewNqZLAWOW_AXOA6tJDfqACLcB/s320/Indonesia35_zps4568b61d.jpgDalam sebuah pengajian di pondok pesantren magelang, seorang jama’ah bertanya pada kiai.

“Jika kita melihat negara lain di luar, kelihatannya lebih maju dan lebih makmur daripada kita. Padahal tidak ada ulama dan mereka tidak menerapkan islam dalam kesehariannya. Bagaimana pandangan pak kyai tentang hal ini?”

Pak kyai balik bertanya, “Contone negoro sing luwih maju seko awake dewe ki sing endi?”

“Amerika pak kyai”

“Amerika sing luwih maju opone?” Pak kyai balik bertanya, Jama’ah pun tertawa semua.

Pak kyai melanjutkan, “Saya ceritain ya, di Amerika itu kelas professor saja handphone nya Nokia jadul. Di sini tukang batu dan pekerja kasar saja sudah punya smartphone. Saya tidak paham mengapa Amerika sampeyan bilang lebih maju, apanya yang lebih maju. Daya beli mereka rendah. Mereka gajinya besar tapi harga barangnya mahal. Di sini tidak punya gaji tetap saja berani nikah.

Indonesia daya belinya dahsyat. Kalo tidak percaya, coba ke Singapura. Kalau penjual toko tahu yang akan belanja itu orang Indonesia, harganya dinaikkan. Di Mekkah, di Vietnam, kita belanja pasti harganya dinaikkan, soalnya mereka menganggap semua orang Indonesia kaya. Amerika apanya yang lebih maju?

Di Jepang orang biasa tidak bisa beli sepeda motor. Di sini dengan modal duit 500 ribu saja, motor sudah diantar langsung sampai rumah. Di Jepang juga sulit mencari teman juga tetangga, apalagi warna kulit kita beda, lha di sini, asal kita masih hafal Pancasila, semua itu teman kita semua, semua itu saudara kita. Apanya yang lebih maju?

Di sini kita semua bisa nonton liga Inggris, liga Spanyol, liga Champion dengan bebas. Di Inggris kita harus bayar, malah ada yang harus inden tiga bulan hanya untuk nonton sepak bola. Seperti itu disebut lebih maju?


In a study at the pondok pesantren, a jama’ah asked the kyai.

“If we look at other countries outside, it looks more advanced and more prosperous than we are. Though there are no scholars and they do not apply Islam in their daily life. How does the kyai’s view of this matter? “

Pak kyai asked, “What country is more advanced than our country which country?”

“America pak kyai”

Pak kyai again replied, “America is more advanced apanya?” Jama’ah laughed all.

Pak kyai continued, “I tell ya, in America it’s a professor course its Nokia mobile phone old school. Here the masons and crude workers already have smartphones. I do not understand why America sampeyan say more advanced, what is more advanced. Their purchasing power is low. They pay a great salary but the price is expensive. Here do not have a salary still dare to marry.

Indonesia’s purchasing power is awesome. If you do not believe me, try to Singapore. If the seller of the store knows who will be shopping is Indonesian, the price is raised. In Mecca, in Vietnam, we are going to spend on the expense, because they think all Indonesians are rich. America is more advanced?

In Japan ordinary people can not buy a motorcycle. Here with a capital of 500 thousand only, the motor has been delivered directly to the house. In Japan is also difficult to find friends and neighbors, let alone our skin color is different, here lha, as long as we still memorized Pancasila, all our friends all, all that our brother. What is more advanced?

Here we can all watch the English league, Spanish league, Champions League freely. In England we have to pay, in fact there should be three months inden just to watch football. As it’s called more advanced?

# islamfriendly

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